Active SMART Monitor utility for controlling the health status of your hard disks. Active SMART Monitor can discover a probable hard disk drive (HDD) fail BEFORE it actually occurs. In regular usage, Active SMART Monitor can calculate the nearest possible date of hard disk fail.
How does it work? Active SMART Monitor uses S.M.A.R.T. technology, included in all modern hard disks. S.M.A.R.T. is an HDD self-testing and monitoring technology described in detail here. Simplified, it looks like the HDD is continuously making self-tests and calculating some ôattributesö, which reflect the current state of efficiency and status of the HDD. Each attribute means some detail in HDD status û total hours of work, count of read errors, and others. If after a self-test, the HDD "thinks" that its state is changed, it changes the value of the corresponding attribute. For example, if the time of spin-up from idle state changed, the HDD would change (lower) the value of the "Spin-Up Time" attribute. Each attribute has a threshold (lower) value and, at achievement, the HDD may stop working.
Active SMART Monitor monitors attribute changes, analyzes speed of falling (lowering), and calculates remaining time of life HDD based on this data.
Furthermore, Active SMART Monitor shows other useful information about your HDD - supported standards, speed modes of operation, current mode of operation (PIO, DMA, UDMA&ldots;), and others. Detailed info about these modes can be found under "HDD technology".
About Active SMART Monitor...
User interface
Main window
General tab
Extended Info tab
S.M.A.R.T. tab
Preferences tab
Log tab
About tab
Registration and License
unregistered copy limitation
registration and ordering
Aleksey S Cherkasskiy